Re: Прошу помощи по установке драйверов INFINITY-BOX
u menya takoe voprosa.
okolo mesyac nazad kupil Infiniti box, ustanovil draiveri, apdeitil box, i boxe vidit svoevo nomera, no ne rabotaet ne vkokom sotovom, po moemu problema tam
1. Run: x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Drivers\Box\VC6Redist\vcredist.e xe
2. Reboot PC
3. Run: x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Drivers\Box\Smart Card Base Components\SCBase.exe
4. Reboot PC
5. Run: x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Drivers\Box\e-gate_W98_Me\Setup.exe
6. Reboot PC
7. Connect box (dongle) to PC USB port, your system have three new devices:
1. e-gate Virtual Reader Enumerators -> e-gate Virtual Reader Enumerator
2. Smart card readers -> e-gate USB Smart card reader
3. e-gate USB Smart Cards -> e-gate USB Smart Card
8. Connect box to PC USB port and select drivers: x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Drivers\Box\FTDI
9. Reboot PC
u menya Moi komp- svoitsve ne vidna vot eto.
2. Smart card readers -> e-gate USB Smart card reader
pomogite menya pojaluista razobratsya v etom