Сохранение SHSH / blobs для 5.1.1 через Cydia.
Сохранение SHSH / blobs для 5.1.1 через Cydia.
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As we all know ios 5.1.1 has been rolled out and the new tinyumbrella allows shsh to be saved for 5.1 and 5.1.1 for the iphone 4 and 4s. That is possible until Apple servers keep on signing 5.1.
So if you have a jailbroken phone then simply add the latest I S H S H I T
- I have added screenshots for you.
save shsh first then ask questions.
- You can save a backup copy by email to yourself.
- All previous versions can also be saved when you select via cydia.
- Make Sure you open app after install and then select all versions and then deselect via cydia.
Good luck! the smart ones will do as told and take benefit.
iSHSHit Downloads Your SHSH Blobs Directly to Your iDevice